Friday, 13 March 2015

Good Use of Social Media

As we know, there are so many social media such as Twitter, facebook, path, Tumblr, blog, my space, pinterest etc. Social media is not only a tools for interacting with someone else but also a tools for representing our image.

Be careful in using social media. Sometimes social media can be a positive and useful things for ourselves. But sometimes, social media can be self-defeating. Until now, many of which we find the use of social media is not in place such as a fight or cruel on twitter or facebook, mutual vilify each other and so on.
Be wise what needs to be published and what is not needed to be published in social media. Not all of our activities or events that we experience should be published in social media. I have ever met someone who post everything she experienced in social media, even when she was choking or falling or anything all captured and published.
I've ever experienced that. There was someone who  was publishing bad things or vilifying me in social media. Of course that made me uncomfortable and annoyed. Then some time later I followed her by publishing bad about her. In the end, she knew and turned angry to me. I accept it because what I did was wrong, but unfortunately she did not want to admit that she was wrong, too. Then she still accused me and so on. I also ended up apologizing to her, although she did not apologize to me for what she did. She became swell-headed. Even after I apologized, she still published bad things about me. But, at that moment, I was so tired of her childish act. So I kept it simple. I did not think that was me. So, I ignored her. Yeah of course she got furious at me and still i did not care. After while, she did not bother me anymore. After that, I thought that if we did not perceive that was us, so why get angry? Is not that angry means we are what people say (re: bad things)?
Yepp, that was my experience.
Moreover, in the social media we have heard about cyber bullying. It turns out that bullying is not just happening in the real world but has spread to cyberspace or social media. Maybe sometimes we do not feel bullied or bully others in cyberspace. Without realizing it, we can hurt other people through what we publish on social media.
Sometimes, cyber bullying causes us to be difficult to be creative in the virtual world, for fear of assuming someone else. Yet, If we publish something good, maybe it could be useful for others. On the contrary, if we publish something bad, then it could be the harm to others or even to ourselves. Indeed, it is the right of every person to publish what he or she wants to publish, but judging good and bad about ourselves from what we published also the rights of others as well.

Hence, use social media in good way. Everyone can see and judge ourselves on what we show.