Saturday, 9 April 2016

Don’t Spit and Lick at The Same Spot

Now, I want to share you about proverb. Yep, proverb in Bahasa is called Peribahasa. Usually we use proverb for allegorizing some meaning.
Have you ever heard about this proverb?

Don’t spit and lick at the same spot?

Or in Bahasa we called

Jangan menjilat ludah sendiri?

This one is a famous proverb in my country. The meaning of this proverb is pulling your own words. Sometimes we misjudged someone and we regret them. Or maybe you accused someone; afterwards you take your own words back?

Well, maybe that’s okay though, because sometimes it’s better to take it back if you really regret of what you were saying. As my first post in Social Media for Social Good and also Words can hurt, I’ve ever warned you about how words can hurt each other include your beloved one.

So what is the relation between words can hurt and this proverb?

Well, I just want to give you an example.

Have you ever fought with someone that you loved and regretted for those words that spited out of your mouth? You said such words that you'd never said it before. Such as break up, or another awful words. 
Sometimes you cannot take them back and you have to let them go. As you know, sometime holding on does more damage than letting go. What are you holding on if it only hurts you?

Well, back to topic..

I just want to tell you something, just think before you speak. Because please, don’t spit and lick at the same spot. You may take those words back, but it can be forgotten forever by others. Once you hurt people, you cannot take your words easily.

So please, just let go..

Once again. It was my pure opinion. Nothing is related to this posting. Whether or not you will like it or think that it'd ever happened to you, it really is coincident..

Hope you like it..
See you on next post..  


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