Tuesday, 20 April 2021


I used to post this in April 2021. Then, I update again tonight at 00:15. At this moment, I have just finished my works. Today is Sunday. The task is not urgent for me, but I want to complete it as soon as possible. I am glad that finally this task is finished.

Let us go back to the main purpose of this post...


2021. It has been almost one year since the Covid-19 case in Indonesia and the "work from home" situation. It should be a posting for New Year Resolution, but I did not have any resolution at that time (last 1st January 2021). Everything is dark since the beginning of 2021. 

Some people will say that New Year will be "New Me". People tend to make some resolution. Well, my only resolutions are keeping up the good works and staying sane through work from home and the Covid-19 situation.

It was only four months (when I posted the first time). Now it has been five months. There are so many changes in between. People come and go. Literally and figuratively.

I used to post this using my mobile phone. I apologize for not having time to fixed this phone.

In 2021, I lost two people in my life. Both of them had different circumstance. I lost my father forever at the beginning of 2021 (rest in peace, dad) due to Covid-19. My father had a complicated situation, which became worst because of Covid-19. Then, I have just lost someone who used to be dearest to me. Lately, we have different interest. However, neither of us wanted to fix that. Maybe it had already broken since a couple of years but we just denied those signs.

You may play your victim card. I will not defend myself. You may accuse me for everything. I could only say that I apologize for not fight for us.

This year will not be the same as last year. Ramadhan and Ied Al Fitr are different without you. I guess I am just not accustomed to with current situation. 

Well, same as the pre-edit post, I only have one thought tonight, that perhaps in the rest of this year, everything is gonna be alright. I know I could do that. I do not have any confidence right now, but, once again, perhaps everything will be back to be okay. 

That is all my thought tonight. I wish everyone in perfect health both mental and physical. It would also be great if you could have someone to share with. Your concern, idea, or everything.


See you until my next post.